Today's post is for The Blog Dare from Bloggy Moms. I've talked about this site before. If you haven't checked it out yet, do it. The blog dare is a years worth of writing prompt/ideas to help you get writing. Its especially nice for beginners like me. Anyway. Todays prompt is: What I know. Check it out.
What I know is:
1. Not much. Lol!
2. That being a mom is the toughest, funnest, most rewarding, irritating, exciting, IMPORTANT thing I have ever done.
3. That books are a great escape. I use them entirely too often to escape.
4. That laundry SUCKS!
5. That sometimes being a good listener is all it takes to be a good friend.
6. That Jesus loves me! No matter how much I screw up.
7. That I am good enough! I may not be everyone's cup of tea, but God chose me to be me and that's enough.
8. That kids really do grow up way too fast.
9. That no matter how often I wash sheets, as soon as I do, somebody is going to peed the bed as soon as I get them back on the bed.
10. That blood doesn't make you family. Love does.
11. That some things just aren't worth fighting over.
12. That some things are definitely worth fighting FOR.
13. That crafting calms me and infuriates me.
14. That if I have extra money, something is going to break.
15. That in the almost 11 years that I have been out of high school, I have NEVER had to use anything that I learned in chemistry. .
16. That you have to accept people just the way they are, flaws and all.
17. That no one can ever break your heart as much as your children.
18. That food cooked on the grill tastes way better than on the stove. And charcoal is even better than gas.
19. That the warmest spot is snuggled up with my Hubby.
20. That prayer, faith, hope and love are everything. Without them I would be nothing.
I guess that's a long enough list from this know-it-all. I hope you enjoyed reading my list. Thanks for stopping by and come back soon.