
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Crazy Busy

Aaaah! My life is so crazy right now.
Preschool is back in session. Yay! I have 2 classes again. My morning class has 11 students, 10 boys 1 girl. Seriously! 10 three year old boys doesn't take long to wear you out. My afternoon class is much more mellow with 7 girls and 3 boys. But both classes are a lot of fun. Last year, I had only 5 kids in one class and 7 in the other class. So to say that this year is much more challenging, is an understatement. However, I firmly believe that with greater challenge comes greater reward. I'm most excited about our Winter Wonderland program. I think it will be super exciting to have so many little voices singing. Not to say that I didn't enjoy my classes last year, I very much did. I'm just really excited to spend my days with such a fun, rambunctious, eager group of kids.
I also decided to take on another job at my church. Custodian. Well, another woman and I are splitting the duties. Last time our church lost a custodian, we went nearly 4 weeks without one. So Mrs.B and I decided to split the duties. The last custodian we had was less than stellar. Many duties had gone undone for quite a while. So we've spent the last week putting in extra hours to get our church looking beautiful again. Custodian is a much unappreciated job. Many, many props to housekeepers and custodians every where. It's hard work! And it's 7 days a week. I've been going in after the kids go to bed, that way I know all of the church activities are over plus I don't have to miss out on time with my kiddos. They're so busy, I feel like I hardly see them as it is.
About them being busy, Monkey has soccer on Monday and Wednesday, Taekwondo on Tuesday and Thursday. Banana has 2 dance classes on Wednesdays and Girl Scouts every other Monday. And oh yea, did I mention that I decided, at the very last minute, to be the Girl Scout leader. Because I'm just so bored... Ha.
I also have something very very exciting going on that has taken up quite a bit of time lately. The good news is that all of the work I had to do for that is over. Now we're just waiting. I know you're dying to know what it is. But... You're going to have to wait till tomorrow.
Image credit: Google Images

Thanks so much for stopping by. Come on back to see what I've been working so hard on.

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