
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Month of Thankfulness... Missed that Trend

     I've been seeing so many social media posts about what people are thankful for this month, and part of me wants to be like "yea, well, why aren't you thankful everyday?" Thats the bitchy part of me. In reality, I think its pretty cool. Its gives me a repreve from all those bitchy Facebook posts. And why should I be so crappy about people posting it this month when I do the same thing at home with my family. Plus I'm really glad that not everyone is skipping over Thanksgiving and moving straight on to Christmas. And there truly isn't a classier way to brag about your life than to tell everyone how "thankful" you are for it.  So that being said here is my brag list for the last 15 days:
1. Peppermint Mocha Coffee Creamer! Duh!
2. Ebooks. I love reading and being able to do so right on my phone is perfect. I don't even have to turn a light on at night!
3. A dependable car. Even though the payment is high and gas is ridiculous, I'm glad I can get in and go wherever I want.
4. Electricity. I know this one's kinda serious but I'm a modern chick and I would NOT make it with out it.
5. Involvement in my daughter's preschool. (I got to sub this month!)
6. My cell phone! I can get my calls wherever but best of all, I never get bored with all the things it can do.
7. My daughter's Graco Nautilus carseat. She falls asleep in the car still and the Nautilus has a five point harness that goes up to 65 pounds and 57 inches, so when she's asleep she can't lean forward too far.
8. Humor. With out it I really would be NUTS!
9. Twilight!! Books and Movies! This is self explanatory. I don't even need a reason.
10. Country Music! There is seriously a song about everything. From Walmart to Cancer to Crazy Relatives to Killing Cheating Spouses. Its the best. Plus you can understand all the words. :)
11. Good Health. I may be a big girl but overall I'm healthy. I can play and crawl around with my kids, and thats good enough for me.
12. Generic Medicines! For 2 years Banana and myself have been on meds that there was no generic for. Now Monkey is going on the same one Banana has been on, and BOTH of these meds have recently gone generic.
13. Insurance! Now I may have complained quite a bit about the few hundred dollars I had to pay for Banana's echo, but its nothing compared to the $3000 it would have cost without insurance.
14. Crafting! All my projects aren't great (refer to #8.), but they are mine and I enjoy doing it.
15. Fast food! Seriously. What would I do without it!
Ok well you all got to read my brag list and I'm all caught up so for the rest of the month I will ramble on daily about 1 person/place/thing that I am grateful for.
You can't wait, can you? :)
     Thanks for stopping by and come back soon.


  1. I'm thankful that you are buying my house so I can move.. bwahahaha :) Love ya

  2. Humor is essential to one's life. It keeps us sane and makes the situation lighter too. If only more people could incorporate this in our lives, then life will be better.

    By the way, would you like us to follow each other?
