
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Guess What I Did? ;)

     Howdy all! Well guess what I did. I rescued a dog! If you knew me, you would know how absolutely insane that sounds. I just don't care for animals. They're too much work. Its not that I dn't likethem. I am perfectly fine with other people having them.

     Anyway. This is what happened...
     Carmen was really wanting to get Monkey a dog. She had been calling shelters and looking around. Thursday she called a local shelter about an adorable little shih tzu mix. But sadly she had been adopted out that day. :( Friday we went out shopping for birthday supplies and ended up at an animal shelter. Nothing caught my attention too much so went went to another one, in another town.  All their dogs were just too big for the house. So Carmen is looking online at pics of the dogs at the shelter shelter that she had called on Thursday and we found the cutest black terrier mix guy.Now I like a scraggly, pitiful looking dog. And this gut looked exactly pitiful enough. So off we hightailed it to yet another town, another shlelter to check him out.

     We get out of the car and the little blonde shih tzu mix from the day before is sitting in the car next to us. There is a ladywalking out to the car who stops and asks Banana and Pixie if they like the doggy in the car. Low and behold she was bringing her back!!!! WE went in a room and fell in love. I thought this little Blondie would be perfect for Monkey. She was so playful. But Carmen did advise me to still look at the terrier fella. So they brought him in and he was a sweetie. Then another worker comes in and tells us he has Parvo. But it didn't really make a difference because I already wanted the blondie. And since Monkey is mildly allergic to dogs, she was perfect. (Shih tzus are hypoallergenic.)
    Sooooo. I filled out the paper work and headed out with Monkey's dog. We headed to the pet store for supplies. A crate, flea shampoo, a leash. You know, the basics. But there was so much cute girly stuff for her and I figured that Monkey wouldn't let me girlify her. So I did what any normal girl would do. I called Hubby and asked if I could keep her for a family dog instead of give her to Monkey. He said yes and we agreed that since it was Monkey's birthday, he could name her. And he picked Lilly.
And here is our scraggly little mutt. Ain't she cute! Our family is completely in love with her.
Thanks for stoppong by and come back soon.