
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Abby Cadabby Costume: Success!

     Hey there! Have you all been getting ready for Halloween? I have been busy getting Banana's costume ready. She got to dress up for preschool today. Which I really don't understand because she has school on Halloween. The only thing I can figure is that, since its a church, they can't celebrate Halloween. The party is called a Fall Dress Up Party. But whatever.
I slacked off on getting ready for Halloween with everything else going on this month. I guess figured I had a whole week left. Moday I realized that I only had till Wednesday. So off Carmen and I went on a late night run to Wally-World, armed with one of Banana's Abby Cadabby dolls to copy. I got the 2 rolls of blue tulle that they had and pink and purple feather boas that are sold by the yard to make for 'hair'.
Well its a good thing that Carmen had to go back to Wal-Mart the next day. Different town. There are 3 seperate towns all about 25 mins away in different directions, that have Wal-Mart. I called her while she was at Wal-Mart because 2 rolls of tulle just covered half. Thankfully, she brought me back 3 more rolls, just to be safe. I used wings that she already had and made her a wand out of a dowel rod and leftover tulle. I didn't take pictures along the way, (sorry) but here's what you need and how I did it.

What you need:
(for the dress)
4 rolls of tulle
Elastic (size of child's waist)
(for the hair)
1 yard each pink and purple feather boas
alligator clip
string (I used a small scrap of tulle)
(for the wand)
4 inch tulle scraps (the more you use the fluffier the wand)
dowel rod
felt scraps

For the dress, I basically made a long tutu. Then I wound ribbon around the knots and through the gaps on the top. Then I attached a ribbon belt about 3-4 inches down from the top.
For the hair pieces, I gathered 3 pink and 3 purple strips of boa. All about 3 inches long. I tied them off in the center with tulle scrap. you could use any kind of thread, string, yarn etc. Then I hot glued each puff to an alligator clip.
For the wand. I gathered tulle scraps. Do not stack them because they dont puf as well. Gather them and tie them off in the middle and hot glue the puff to a piece of felt. Then glue to the dowel rod.
Then dress your little princess in your creation.
The absolute coolest thing that happened was as soon as we went in her class, one of her classmates even knew who she was supposed to be.
Thanks for stopping by, and come back soon.

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